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About Us and why white socks?

Once cycling socks were white and shoes were black. 

Then as fashion and textile technologies evolved so did all aspects of cycling attire.  Till today socks and other cycling apparel come in every colour of the rainbow and in multiple levels of quality. 


But we found that even with all that choice we were still coming back to our favourite white socks 90% of the time, not only because of how they look, white socks and white shoes look Pro, but how they're constructed, the materials, the feel, the graphics and that they must never ever slip sag or fall down!  


So to make our perfect sock a reality we've partnered with a textile design company in the Netherlands, who feel the same way that we do about cycling socks and a manufacture in Italy, the heartland of cycling fashion couture, to produce what we feel is the finest road cycling sock outside the Pro peloton.   

We hope that by combining the modern with the classical we've produced something simple yet important to how you look and feel on each and every ride.  




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*3 pairs of any sock design for just £39.99

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